Usually I write about a specific artist or body of work, but today I’d like to write about writing about art. My favorite breakfast reading (well mainly but also long sheriut rides or coffee breaks reading... but I digress) is Programma Magazine, a delicious assortment of thoughtful articles, artist interviews, and covers of exhibits. A repository of pure aesthetic delight, this magazine brings a couple hundred pages of solid insights and updates to art lovers inside and outside of Israel.
This magazine has a pretty lofty goal- the Programma team hopes to “give voice to all those who regard art as a necessary part of life and are searching for a place to meet, discuss, argue and promote artistic endeavors”. Their authors shy away from hi falutin art speak (AHEM I’m looking at you, Jerusalem Post weekend edition art section). The articles are crafted with a steady hand combining well-researched insights, selected interview bits, and analyses of the piece or body of work. The content is engaging, insightful and relevant, never missing a beat. With beautiful layouts and stunning images, Programma resembles a coffee table book more than a magazine. But the lovely editors at Programma really stole my heart with the tear-out reproductions of featured artists. I finally finished off my mood board with a stark Jan Tichy photograph of an orchid blanching in overexposed light and rearing sea green horses painted by Shai Zurim.
It’s only published once a year, so I’m waiting with bated breath for the next edition to come out in Fall 2010. Which is far too vague of a release date for me to be comfortable with. EXACTLY when and where can I get it? I am plagued by fears of standing in an Israeli "line" (read: uncontrolled mob scene) while I clamor for my beloved read. Their website sheds no light on this, so I was coerced into subscribing to their email list in the hopes of gleaning the release date. Hopefully I'll be rewarded with an invite to the release party... the last one had mini souffle cups... *fingers crossed*
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